This September, founding members of IGMA, the International GTA MUTA Association, will present 5 different presentations on use of GTA and MUTA methodology in sexual assault forensic evidence training for SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) and SAFE (Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner) programming. The IAFN, International Association of Forensic Nurses is holding their annual conference in New Orleans and IGMA will have a strong presence. Isle Polonko, Richard Claflin and Samm Maloney, from Clinical Practice Resources and Scott George from Clinical Skills USA all have presentations at this upcoming conference. Ms. Polonko is also presenting with Eileen Allen adjunct Professor at Monmouth University, Forensic Nursing Graduate Program and SANE Program Coordinator and Liana Hill, Director Crisis Services of North Alabama and SANE Program Coordinator. Presentations cover critical information from trans health to Standards of Best Practices in simulation and will be presented over the course of 4 days.
Less than a decade ago, GTAs were not used in simulation in SANE or SAFE training. GTAs reviewed safe, effective invasive pelvic examination techniques in some programs, but use of GTAs in simulation to provide opportunities for SANE trainees to practice the forensic evidence collection on simulated patients, was simply not done. A couple of critical studies were done in 2010 and again in 2014 that highlighted efficacy and benefits of using the specialized skills of highly trained GTAs in this way and everything changed. Today programs are still working on protocol and measures of safety for use of GTAs in this kind of simulation. Inclusion of MUTAs is an even rarer phenomenon. Addressing these issues in order to create opportunities for successful collaboration and safe, effective use of GTAs and MUTAs will be the ultimate goals of these presentations.
If you are interested in learning more about this work, email for more information. Additionally, IGMA is seeking a Chair and volunteers to serve on the Forensic GTA MUTA Committee. Visit our website at to join IGMA as a founding member and express interest in serving on the committee in order to promote use of GTAs and MUTAs in the very important work. Also, consider attending the IAFN Conference and learn more about the advancements being made in the field of sexual assault nurse examination. Visit to sign up and attend the conference. Come join us in New Orleans!