Membership Checkout Membership Information You have selected the Individual GTA/MUTA membership level. Educator Members can request an unlimited number of Individual Memberships to be offered to people associated with their organization (e.g. working GTAs and MUTAs). All Individual Memberships must be submitted by an Educator Member, and their membership is subject to the good standing of that Educator Member’s organization or company with the IGMA board. Once approved, Individual Members are responsible for submitting their dues directly to IGMA, unless their sponsoring Educator Member has made arrangements with IGMA to cover the dues fee for those Individual Members. Individual Members are entitled to all membership benefits of IGMA, including being able to sit on any committees and participate as a board member. Individual members may not solicit work from Educational or Corporate Members. If they are solicited for work by Educational or Corporate Members they must refer those people to their own sponsoring Educational Member. Any acceptance of work outside of their relationship with their sponsoring Educational Member will be considered an unethical violation of their membership in IGMA and will constitute grounds for immediate revocation of membership with no refund of membership dues. The price for membership is $50.00 now. Do you have a discount code? Click here to enter your discount code Discount Code Account Information Username Password Show Password Confirm Password First Name Last Name Email Address Confirm Email Address Full Name LEAVE THIS BLANK Already have an account? Log in here Choose Your Payment Method Check Out with a Credit Card Here Check Out with PayPal Pay by Check Check Out With PayPal Pay by To pay by check, please make payment to IGMA Mail payment to: Isle Polonko, President 12 Spring Valley Rd. Hardwick, NJ 07825 Processing...